IEB Award Winners

IEB Award Winners

Inclusive Excellence and Belonging Award

This annual award recognizes outstanding contributions to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging at UCCS by a staff and faculty member. This award is open to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and achievement in advancing the UCCS DEI Strategic Framework Pillars.

Award Winners 2024

Jennifer Poe, M.A.
Director of The Center for Student Research 

Jennifer's unwavering dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) through her roles as a grant-funded project manager, director of the Center for Student Research, and diversity science co-author. Jennifer's exemplary work spans various pillars of inclusive excellence: she excels in teaching, research, and service by advancing a diversity framework and contributing significantly to NSF-funded DEI projects. Her efforts have profoundly impacted campus culture, promoting belonging and inclusivity through initiatives like faculty training, inclusive policy audits, and support programs for marginalized students and faculty. Jennifer also fosters diverse talent pathways, organizing bias literacy training and mentoring programs that support faculty and students' career progression. Furthermore, she enhances student access and retention by developing courses and providing mentorship that demystifies research for first-generation and marginalized students. Jennifer's comprehensive approach and tireless advocacy make her a standout exemplary of inclusive excellence at UCCS.

From their nomination:  
“Through her tireless advocacy and mentorship, Jennifer strives to break down barriers and cultivate a culture of inclusive belonging in undergraduate research at UCCS. Her efforts not only empower individual students but also contribute to the enrichment of scholarship within the university and beyond.”

Learn more about Jennifer Poe here. 

Carole Woodall, Ph.D
Associate Professor

Prof. Woodall demonstrates exceptional commitment to inclusiveness through her impactful teach-ins on Palestine/Israel, fostering a culture of belonging and community dialogue. Her inclusive teaching methods, evident in her courses and innovative assignments like the "Getting Comfortable" podcast, engage and support marginalized students. Her restructuring of the History major to include global history has made it more accessible to underrepresented students. As Chair of the UCCS Committee on Academic Progress, she advocates for smoother transfer processes, benefiting many students. Her regional advocacy, including a motion for a culture of care and compassion adopted by both UCCS and CU Boulder Faculty Assemblies, further underscores her dedication. Prof. Woodall's remarkable efforts in teaching, mentoring, and community engagement make her a deserving candidate for this award.

From her nomination:

“By providing socially just and inclusive educational opportunities, Carole has worked to bolster a campus culture where all are included and heard, such that difficult and complex topics can be discussed with nuance, sensitivity, and care.” 

Learn more about Dr. Carole Woodall here. 

Yiheng Yvonne Wu, Ph.D
Assistant Professor & Music Program Co-Director

Since she arrived at UCCS in 2022, Dr. Wu has made significant contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA) Department and across the campus. She established a VAPA DEI committee in her first year, cultivating collaboration among faculty to develop innovative pedagogies and support marginalized students and faculty. She actively participates in campus-wide committees, including the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (EIAC) and the MLK Days of Service and Action planning committee, for which she has organized impactful panel and participant discussions. In the Music Program, she has redesigned the music theory curriculum to include a broader array of musical styles and cultures, moving away from the traditionally Eurocentric, classical focus. As head of the music composition program, Dr. Wu has empowered student composers and producers to set and achieve musical goals that reflect their unique artistic priorities, leading to increased student productivity and engagement and colorful junior and senior recitals. Dr. Wu's leadership, mentorship, and advocacy make her a deserving candidate for this award.

From her nomination:

“Yvonne fosters belonging and inclusion in all her interactions. She is innovative and compassionate in and out of the classroom. She opens doors for real change and understanding for her students, peers, the university and broader community.”

Dr. Wu says "The day-to-day grind is tolerable when the greater goals are undeniably essential: It is urgent that students find deeper connections with their own sense of purpose and with each other. It is urgent that we all practice building strong, positive communities everywhere. It is urgent that we rebuild our ways of doing things so that everyone can find their place and be their best. It's hard, but we've got to do this and do it together!"

Learn more about Dr. Yiheng Yvonne Wu here. 

Award Winner 2023

Omar Montoya, M.A.

Omar Montoya, as Faculty Director of the Gateway Program Seminar (GPS) since January 2019 and Senior Instructor in the First Year Rhetoric and Writing Program (FYRW) at UCCS for nearly ten years, has significantly contributed to the university's commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. His efforts include providing first-year writing instruction in Spanish, creating inclusive program texts and marketing materials, and requiring DEI-focused professional development for GPS faculty and mentors. Omar's leadership extends to multiple committees, such as the Retention and Graduation Subcommittee and the Learning Communities Steering Committee, where he has worked on initiatives to support student retention and success. Additionally, he has developed workshops and courses to aid historically underserved populations and increased faculty diversity within GPS. His commitment to DEI is further demonstrated through his work on community engagement projects and partnerships, enhancing civic engagement and creating pathways for underserved students transferring to UCCS. Omar's exemplary contributions make him highly deserving of this award.

From his nomination:

“Omar has dedicated his career to improving and being in service to diversity, equity, and inclusion at UCCS. His work targets first year students, meaning that his efforts really work to keep students at the University by giving them information about resources available to them and allowing them to see people like them represented in textbooks, faculty, events, speakers, and college leadership. He connects students to the course materials, the University, and the local community. He teaches faculty how to be more mindful and connected with students of all backgrounds.” 

Learn more about Omar Montoya here. 

Jessi Smith, Ph.D
Vice Provost & Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Research Integrity Officer, and Professor of Psychology

Dr. Jessi Smith has provided outstanding contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) through her leadership in the Adaptation Project CREST and the Faculty Assembly COVID-19 Task Force. Project CREST, funded by the National Science Foundation, aims to advance women in STEM by building inclusive research infrastructure and reshaping policies for equity. Jessi's visionary efforts led to the hiring of a Research Development Coordinator, mini-grants for underrepresented faculty, grant-writing bootcamps, and mentoring programs. Her work with the COVID-19 Task Force focused on mitigating the pandemic's impact on faculty, particularly women and minoritized groups, and included drafting guidance for reappointment, promotion, and tenure (RPT) reviews and creating a revitalization fellowship program. Jessi's academic career is dedicated to equity and inclusion, evidenced by her extensive research, publications, and presentations. Her tireless commitment has transformed UCCS's research climate, making her highly deserving of this award.

From their nomination:

“I give Dr. Smith my highest and unreserved recommendation to be selected as this year’s Inclusive Excellence Campus Award recipient. She brings a consistent eye toward inclusive excellence in her work in the Provost’s Office and in her research inquiries. I’m in awe at the ways in which she is committed to institutional-building activities across our campus and championing faculty, staff, students, and the university. Dr. Smith will be an outstanding representative of the University.”  

Dr. Smith says "I am so honored to receive this award. Living my social justice praxis is made possible only with humor, humility, and community. And it takes community to build and lead a community and therefore this is an award made possible only because of all those agents of change who have come before me and do the hard work every single day. I am deeply committed to creating an inclusive, safe, and open research space where we truly center different ways of knowing, doing, and being."

Learn more about Dr. Jessi Smith here.