Neurodiversity Education Videos

Neurodiversity Resources


ADHD Redefined

Brooke Matson reframes the label of ADHD in this exciting talk. She introduces us to revolutionary creatives that had ADHD and likely would not have achieved all they did without having these super powers.

Including People with Down Syndrome

Why is it GOOD to include individuals with Down Syndrome in the work place? As an advocate for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Matthew Schwab shares his idea on how to create a win/win that is GOOD on many levels.

What it's like to have Tourette's

Listen along as Alwani explores the power of music and delights the audience with an ethereal performance of her piano ballad "I'm Not Loving You (My Mask)."

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 5 people, but the experience of dyslexia isn't always the same. Kelli Sandman-Hurley urges us to think again about dyslexic brain function and to celebrate the neurodiversity of the human brain.

What is Dysgraphia?

Dysgraphia, what does it mean? What are the symptoms of dysgraphia? What can you as a parent do to help your child lead a normal life with dysgraphia? Find answers to these questions, and more, in this insightful video. 

Life is About How We React

Kyle Bryant discusses Friedreich's Ataxia, how it has hindered his ability to participate in some of the sports he loves, and how he has persevered. 

Understanding Neurodiversity

Jay Pierce, a 16 year old at Bellevue College, shares his experiences as a person with autism and discusses his research on the subject. 

The Importance of Presuming Competence

Shelley Moore tells the story of how our assumptions influence not only how we act, but how we treat others. This story is one of understanding and realization that all students are are capable and contributors in their communities.